Open Network Linux (ONL) installation guide and tips.

How to install Open Network Linux (ONL) on Netberg switches

ONL Image preparation.

The ONL GitHub repository isn’t maintained anymore. Netberg has a GitHub page supporting ONL with kernel 4.19 to build a custom image.

Or download a ready-to-use image from the links below:



Download the image we provide and copy it to:

1. A USB thumb device.

2. FTP server in your network.

The Installation Process.

0. a) Connect to the switch via serial console using standard settings:

WARNING: Do not use a USB-mini USB cable, it will damage the console port on the switch.

Use the enclosed mini USB-serial cable.

b) If you know the system IP address, you can ssh into ONIE with root/no password.

1. Boot into ONIE


8. Go to the ONIE: Rescue mode and deploy ONL image:

Use "onie-nos-install" command to download and install ONL from FTP server:

ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install

From a USB thumb drive 

ONIE:/ # mkdir /mnt/usb_drive_mount_point
ONIE:/# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb_drive_mount_point
ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install /mnt/usb_drive_mount_point/ONL-2.0.0-ONL-OS-DEB8-2017-07-18.1642-40fc82b-AMD64-INSTALLED-INSTALLER

9. The resulting installation has a default account (“root”) with a default password (“onl”). The network interface is disabled by default so that you can change the root password before the system comes up.


P4 Studion installation on Aurora 750, 710, and 610

Please refer to our FTP for instructions.


How to Update OpenNSL And OF-DPA Binary on Aurora 720, 630, 620, and 420

Use the package we provide.


BRCM Diag Shell with ONL

NOTE: Change directory to target deliverables directory, and launch ofagentapp in backaground.

Show processes status

client_drivshell ps

Show port status

client_drivshell 'ps'

Show port config

client_drivshell port <port_number>

Show help

client_drivshell help

Redirect log to other devices

client_drivshell log f=/dev/console

You can use your current teletype device.

client_drivshell log f=$(tty)

NOS Information

1. Show Platform Information with ONL


2. Show sysconfig with ONL


ONL Platform Information

1. Show ONL information for human read

onlpdump -r

2. Show Hardware information

onlpdump -s

3. Show SFP information

onlpdump -S

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