Ubuntu and OpenNSL installation guide

Ubuntu Installation Guide

Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS 64-Bit

1. Download the ISO image from from the provided link.

2. Copy the ISO image to a USB thumb device.

3. Connect a USB thumb device to the front panel USB port.

4. Connect to the switch via serial console using standard settings:

5. Reboot and configure the switch into the ONIE Installation mode.

6. Start installing Ubuntu, the default user with username/password as “admin/admin” is created during installation.

7. After installation completes restart and boot from hard disk and log in using above username/password.

8. Disable automatic updates.

How to Update OpenNSL Binary

Using the package we provide.

Building OpenNSL

Source code for OpenNSL sample applications may be built on the switch. Use the following steps to compile OpenNSL including sample applications.

1. Extract the code tarball into the destination directory say opennsl_root.

2. Go to output directory. For Netberg Aurora platform, it is opennsl_root/opennsl/output/x86-ub14

3. Issue “make” to create an OpenNSL shared library object, linux kernel modules.

4. The deliverables folder : opennsl_root/opennsl/output/x86-ub14/build shall have the following files.

a) Linux kernel module : linux-kernel-bde.ko
b) Linux user module : linux-user-bde.ko
c) KNET driver module : linux-bcm-knet.ko
d) OpenNSL shared object library : libopennsl.so

Building example Applications

This section is applicable only if the package includes example applications.

Source code for OpenNSL sample applications may be built on the switch. The example applications are dynamically linked with the OpenNSL shared library. Use the following steps to compile example applications.

1. Go to output directory. For Netberg Aurora platform, it is opennsl_root/opennsl/output/x86-ub14.

2. Issue “make examples” to compile all the sample applications

Downloading and running OpenNSL sample applications

1. cd to target deliverables directory. For Netberg Aurora platform, it is opennsl_root/opennsl/output/x86-ub14/build.

2. Use the following commands to update the linux kernel modules

• Execute “lsmod” to list the installed linux kernel modules.
• Remove the linux kernel and user modules by using “rmmod” command.
• Install linux kernel modules built for OpenNSL platform by using the following commands.

Please ensure that the modules are removed before inserting it using rmmod command.

     mknod /dev/linux-kernel-bde c 127 0
     mknod /dev/linux-user-bde c 126 0
     mknod /dev/linux-bcm-knet c 122 0
     insmod linux-kernel-bde.ko
     insmod linux-user-bde.ko
     insmod linux-bcm-knet.ko

3. Install OpenNSL shared library. The destination directory to install the shared library depends on the host environment configuration. Install the library files in a location included in the system’s library search path.

     mv libopennsl.so.1 /usr/lib
     cd /usr/lib
     ln -sf libopennsl.so.1 libopennsl.so

4. cd to the target deliverables directory and run the sample application.

     chmod +x sample_application

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